Some God Given Gifts Part 2
Matthew Overton
One of the best things about Mowtown and my Youth Ministry that Works project is that it allows more people to use their natural gifts and professional skills than anything I have ever done in ministry. The church as a vessel has a pretty narrow range of things that one can do in some ways. We tend to have a static model of what needs to be done to make the ship run and if you don't fit that you are in real trouble. What we need are more models that allow folks to engage the gifts and skills they already have while participating in the in-breaking of the Kingdom.
Above are my two friends, Jerry Hofer and Dale Johnson. Jerry is one of the team members that helped me get my crazy project off the ground. He runs a small business here in Vancouver and knows more about lawns and life than I ever will. Jerry was so pumped on the idea of mentoring and discipling teenagers through work that I couldn't keep him away even though, technically speaking, we are a competing business. Dale Johnson (on the left) serves on the Session at our church and he has years of HR experience. Both of these guys want to impact teenagers. Neither of them would ever be a youth group leader. But, I was overwhelmed with joy a few days ago when I got to see them using their gifts to transform the lives of teens. So cool.